Sickening plant draws sick crowd

If you wanted to smell the foul stench of old socks, you could stop by your local gym’s locker room, or stand in line for three hours in Australia.

The rare amorphophallus titanum, more popularly known as the corpse flower, has bloomed in the Royal Sydney Botanic Garden, The Associated Press reports. The endangered plant, which produces a smell also compared to decaying flesh, rotting garbage and a slaughterhouse, takes about seven to 10 years to bloom in the wild.

The Royal Sydney Botanic Garden hasn’t had a blooming corpse flower in 15 years. Upon news of its arrival, foliage fans gave it the celebrity couple name Putricia, as in “putrid” plus “Patricia.” Hundreds of people showed up to smell Putricia for themselves before its smell dissipates.

“I am sickened,” one nose witness reported. “I am in awe.”