New report claims you are “geriatric” if you were born before 1985

The dictionary defines the word “geriatric” as an elderly person in need of specialized healthcare.  So, reasonably, that means people who are over the age of 40 don’t fit the bill.

Well, think again.

An article from Medium has rolled out a new awful term dubbed “geriatric millennials,” aka those born between 1980 and 1985.

The article argues that the term “geriatric” fits the description of older millennials perfectly because they are “comfortable with both analog and digital forms of communication.”

The article then explains how “geriatric millennials” are best suited to help the world transition into a dual work schedule between working from home and heading into the office.  Basically, this generation understands the importance of and is best behaved during Zoom meetings.  

The article also pans the younger generations for not knowing how to take a phone message… so, there’s that.

Whatever this article states, it has divided the internet between those who feel that the word “geriatric” too far versus those so exhausted by everything happening in the world agreeing that they feel like someone who needs an oxygen tank and a permanent nap.

Either way, the Twitter responses to the new terminology were an absolute hoot, especially from Gen X’ers who, again, joked about being forgotten again by the media.