Five hitmen jailed after each hired the other to carry out a murder that never happened

Five Chinese hitmen are in jail after they each hired another hitman to carry out a murder that ultimately never panned out, according to the Independent.

Tan Youhui, a real estate developer, reportedly hired a hitman to kill a business rival for the equivalent of 305,352 U.S. dollars.

Unfortunately for Youhui, the hitman then subcontracted the work to another hitman, who passed it on to another hitman, who apparently gave it to another hitman, who employed another hitman and who in turn engaged yet another hitman.

However, instead of carrying out the hit, the final man conspired with the intended victim to fake his death, sparing his life and allowing the hitman to claim his reward.

The plan failed, leading to the arrest of all five hitmen, as well as Youhui.

Youhui was sentenced to five years in prison, while the hitmen were given sentences between two and four years.