Do you miss your cubicle? These former work-at-homers did

For millions of people who have been working from home during the pandemic, it might be hard to think about returning to your commute, and your cubicle. 

However, The Wall Street Journal found a few who actually LIKE it. 

The paper tracked a few employees who have made the transition back to office work — and prefer it. Jennifer Daly, a partner at a law firm based in New York City, relished the return to the “normalcy” her office provides. Though being so close to her home’s kitchen for so long took a toll. She now has her office desk filled with snacks. “I was super hungry all the time,” she commented. 

Her dog also took the separation hard, she admitted.

Courtney O’Connell, a 36-year-old who works for a PR firm in Washington D.C., told the paper she was thrilled by the things she used to take for granted. “I was like, ooh, a binder clip!” she said. 

After dealing with PDF attachments for so long, she’s really into her office printer, and using a highlighter on actual paper. 

Different strokes for different folks.

These cases aside, remote working expert Moe Vela of Transparent Business, tells ABC Audio that vaccine or no, working from home is here to stay for a lot of companies. “The indicators are that it’s going to be our new normal,” he says. “What I’m seeing is more employers are realizing that their fears [of remotely working employees] were misplaced.”

He adds, “[W]hat they’re seeing here is the benefits are across the board. Productivity goes up, your absenteeism goes down…[L]ess cost on office space. So all the costs to the employer go down, and you have a healthier, happier workforce.”