More than half of Americans say they don’t want material gifts this season, according to a survey

A new survey shows that thanks to the pandemic, a majority of Americans aren’t looking for material gifts this year.  In fact, 62% say the pandemic changed their view of gift-giving forever.

The non-scientific poll of 2,000 people, commissioned by Lincoln Financial Group, showed that 57% don’t want a material gift at all for the holidays of 2020.

Instead, 65% hoped for good health. Sixty percent wanted to figuratively unwrap the safety of family and loved ones, and 55% hoped an end to the pandemic would be under the tree, metaphorically speaking. 

Other items on their more grown-up wish list included “a better year in 2021,” which 44% of respondents hoped for; 40% wanted less stress, and 38% wanted peace of mind.

When it came to actual gift giving, 73% of respondents reported being “much more interested” this year in gifts that could help relieve the stress of their loved ones than they were in past years.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents said they’re grateful for what they have, given the challenges of 2020.

According to the survey, here are the top items on Americans’ grown-up holiday wish list:

1. Good health (65%)
2. Health and safety of family/loved ones (59%)
3. An end to the pandemic (55%)
4. A better year in 2021 (44%)
5. Less stress (40%)
6. Sense of clarity/peace of mind (38%)
7. Protecting family/loved ones financially (30%)
8. Job security (25%)

Here’s what Americans value most after 2020, according to the survey:
1. Family (41%)
2. Health (27%)
3. Financial security (19%)
4. Job security (6%)
5. Political cohesion (3%)