Cocaine dealer hands out free samples, along with his business card

Seyyed Amir Razavi, a driver who doubled as a cocaine dealer in Calgary, Canada, chose a unique, albeit unwise, method for selling his wares — handing out free samples of coke. 

According to CTV News, police received a tip that a man was standing outside a casino handing out business cards with small baggies of coke stapled to them.

“Alex Lee, driver” read the card, which, despite the name being an alias, included contact details that allowed police to locate Razavi. They kept him under surveillance for a month before swooping in and arresting him February 3, according to CTV News. Inside his home, cops found 59.6 grams of cocaine in 50 baggies, a digital scale with drug residue and more than $1,200 in cash.

Razavi has been charged with two counts of trafficking a controlled substance, one count of possession for the purpose of trafficking and three counts of possession of proceeds of crime under $5,000, per the outlet.