Principal Turned Tooth Whisperer: How one educator secured a special tooth fairy visit

Principal Roger Williams of Oklahoma’s Henryetta Elementary School, our local hero with a knack for both education and dentistry, went to bat for a toothless cause. A young lass at the school, mid-lunch munch, lost her precious tooth, only to accidentally gobble it up. This left her dismayed, fearing the Tooth Fairy might miss her pitstop.

Cue Principal Williams, the ingenious problem-solver. Armed with his “trained principal and hobby dentist” status, he drafted an official Tooth Fairy notification. In a letter that might make even the fairy grin, he penned, “As a trained principal and hobby dentist, I can verify that there is definitely a gap in Kaisley’s teeth that was not there this morning when she came in.” He went on to request a “standard monetary exchange rate for a real tooth.”

Proud papa Worren Blake shared Williams’ whimsical note online, giving the principal a virtual high-five for being an unsung savior. 

“I have to give a shout out to Kaisley’s principal. She lost her tooth and swallowed it. She was so upset about the tooth fairy not being able to see her and he sent this home with her and the tooth fairy gladly accepted it,” Blake wrote in a Facebook post. “Not all people will take time out and actually care about the little things that are these kids whole world. I have a lot of respect for you. Thank you Sir.”