Teller tricks wannabe bank robber into waiting for police

A would-be bank robber in Hollywood found himself taking an unintentional timeout in the very place he intended to rob.

According to Miami New Times, James Timothy Kelly, 77, waltzed into a PNC Bank branch with hopes of a swift cash grab, but things didn’t go according to plan. Kelly confidently approached the teller, brandishing a note demanding money. However, the quick-thinking teller decided to play it cool and pretended not to notice the note, instead slipping Kelly a bank withdrawal slip.

As the teller pretended to wrestle with imaginary computer issues, she cleverly asked Kelly to have a seat. Obliging without suspicion, the robber sat down, unaware that law enforcement was swiftly being alerted. He sat, blissfully ignorant, captured on the bank’s security cameras as the police closed in on the scene.

Responding officers, summoned by the teller’s ingenious ruse, entered the bank from the back entrance, only to find Kelly calmly waiting in the lobby. 

Following his arrest and a transfer to the FBI Miami field office, Kelly surprisingly waived his right to remain silent and spilled the beans to agents, confessing to his failed attempt at intimidation and robbery.

Kelly faces the possibility of a maximum 20-year sentence for his not-so-grand bank robbery scheme.