Survey shows the weather affects how healthy we want to be

With the longer days and better weather of the summer, you may naturally feel the need to get outdoors and do something. 

That’s a no-brainer, and you’re not alone, according to a new survey. The survey also shows that better weather not only inspires the desire to be more active, but it encourages people to make other healthier choices, too. 

According to the poll of 2,000 Americans that was commissioned by the beverage company ShineWater, 75% say the summer weather inspires them to live healthier. No surprise, 49% say summer is when they’re most physically active. 

Forty-two percent say they feel their healthiest during the summer months, to boot, with 51% saying that’s when they prioritize healthy eating on top of physical activity. 

By contrast, nearly 60% say they feel their unhealthiest — and act the part — in the winter months because they’re eating poorly and not exercising. 

That said, people are looking for the “perfect” weather to get up and go: 10% say if it’s too humid, they aren’t feeling that usual summer oomph. 

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.