If I were Mayor student contest

The Dalles, Oregon – The City of The Dalles is excited to invite students to participate in the annual “If I Were Mayor” contest, an incredible opportunity for young voices to be heard and make an impact in their community. This contest encourages students to showcase their ideas on leadership, local government, and how they would improve the City for future generations.

Participants will have the chance to create innovative projects that reflect their vision for the future. First-place winners will advance to the statewide competition hosted by the Oregon Mayors Association (OMA). Don’t miss out on this exciting chance to learn, grow, and make a difference!

The “If I Were Mayor” contest features three categories: Elementary Grades 4-5 Poster Contest, Middle School Grades 6-8 Essay Contest, and High School Grades 9-12 Digital Media Presentation. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category are $100, $50, and $25, respectively.

Submission deadline: Entries must be submitted to The Dalles City Clerk no later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Local winners will be recognized on April 28, 2025, at The Dalles City Council meeting, where they will be invited to a meet-and-greet with Mayor Mays before the meeting. First-place winners from each category will also be entered into the statewide OMA contest.

Contest materials are available on our website at: www.thedalles.org/IfIWereMayor, resources on this site include; contest rules, official entry forms, and other informational materials to help support students.

We encourage schools, teachers, parents, and other leaders working with youth to support students in participating in this meaningful contest.

For more details or to submit entries, please contact City Clerk Amie Ell at amell@ci.the-dalles.or.us or (541) 296-5481, extension 1119.