It’s a Christmas miracle! Man finds unopened present in wall of childhood house

When hiding your holiday gifts, make sure not to hide them too well, or they may be lost for nearly 50 years.

That’s what happened to Tim King, of Lombard, Illinois, who found an unopened present hidden in the wall of his childhood house. 

According to WGN, King was working on a remodel of the residence when he decided to take a peek behind the drywall to make sure nothing would be stuck when it was closed up.

“Sure enough, there was a present,” King says.

Not only that, but the gift had King’s name on it. He theorizes that it was meant to be a Christmas present for him back in the late 1970s, but may have slipped through the cracks while his parents were hiding it in the attic.

“It must have fallen down, like, between the walls, because, you know, there are a couple of additions on this house,” he says. 

While decades of horror movies have taught us that opening a mysterious package found in the nooks and crannies of a house is usually a bad idea, King decided to give his mom a call and see what was inside. Luckily, no dark forces of Hell were unleashed, and King instead found a package of Matchbox toy planes.

“I would have been six, so that is pretty awesome,” King says.