Man follows grandmother’s advice, wins $50K lottery prize

Have you called your grandmother lately? It would make her very happy and could make you very rich.

At least it made one Baltimore, Maryland man $50,000 richer.

The unidentified man hit the lottery recently and says the secret is something her learned from his grandmother a while back.

“My grandmother told me that not everyone can be lucky every day,” he tells Maryland Lottery.

Basing his strategy on that advice, he buys two scratch off tickets when the mood strikes him. If they’re both losers, he’s done playing the lottery for that day. However, if at least one of them is a winner. that’s a sign that it may be his lucky day.

Just luck you say? Well, this isn’t the first time he’s hit the jackpot.

“I’ve won big twice before, but the last time was a long time ago,” he said. “I wasn’t sure it would ever happen again.”

We sure hope he gives his grandma a cut of the prize.