Survey shows nearly 70% of Americans feel guilty when they dine out

Perhaps it’s no surprise considering food costs more than it has in 30 years, but a new survey shows nearly seven in 10 Americans feel guilty when they decide to eat out. 

In fact, 67% of the poll of 2,000 people admit to it.

Forty-four percent of those polled say they get stressed about “both the act of spending” on food away from home as well as the sticker shock from the bill.

To try to curb prices, the respondents have tried different tactics, like ordering smaller portions from the kids’ menu: However, just 21% say they’ve been brave enough to do so, and a third of those felt embarrassed by it. 

That same number of adults, 34%, say restaurants have denied them from ordering from the kids’ side of the menu.

Twenty-four percent have used social media tips to keep their restaurant checks low; 41% say they’ve cashed in coupons; 28% justify the expenditure on a meal by saving some for leftovers. 

On average, Americans spend more than $2,500 a year on eating out, according to the poll that was commissioned by the chain The Habit Burger.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.