Seattle burglary suspect caught red-mouthed drinking gasoline

In a wild escapade that could have been straight out of a peculiar crime novel, a burglary suspect in Seattle was caught red-handed — and red-mouthed — guzzling gasoline inside a victim’s garage.

The caper unfolded after a vigilant dad dialed 911, reporting a stick-wielding intruder attempting to stage an uninvited entry. Upon the arrival of law enforcement, the teen was too afraid to open the door, leaving the officers with no choice but to barge in, according to the Seattle Police Department.

Amid the ensuing chaos, officers stumbled upon the suspect enjoying an unconventional beverage choice —gasoline –with hammer in his lap. In a standoff caught on body cam footage, officers urged the fuel enthusiast to exit the vehicle, but he seemed more interested in his petroleum pick-me-up. The climax? A shattered window, a pulled perp, and a relieved teen.

The gasoline-gulping gent, a 40-year-old mystery man, now faces charges and perhaps a future as a fuel sommelier in the King County Jail.