How many ways can you spell school? Massachusetts town dealing with major spelling typo

Well, well, well, Holden, Massachusetts has found itself caught in a classic case of spelling blunders on the streets! A street in front of Mountview Middle School might have been aiming for a top-notch “School,” but somehow, they ended up with a quirky “Shcool” instead. 

Fear not, dear town folks, the word wizards are on the case! Holden’s Facebook page revealed that they alerted the contractor about the hilarious hiccup a whole two weeks ago, accordion to Boston 25 News. But here’s the plot twist — the weather gods decided to play their mischievous hand, leaving the contractor unable to fix the error.

Nevertheless, these wordsmiths won’t leave us hanging. The town promised a temporary solution to the road’s linguistic misadventure. Showing a picture of the school’s entry way sign, they humorously edited the photo to reflect the incorrect spelling on the street. 

“We are pleased to announce that the Town has devised a temporary solution for the road paint typo in front of Mountview. You’re welcome,” they captioned the snapshot.