Memorial Day, by the numbers

As you no doubt already know, Monday is Memorial Day, and by the looks of a new survey, Americans intend to celebrate — but with their eyes on their wallets.

Sixty-four percent of the more than 1,000 Americans surveyed by the site The Vacationer say they’re going to travel on the day or over the long weekend, with 60% saying a road trip is on the horizon. 

About the same percentage are planning to have a barbecue or cookout; nearly 15% said they’ll attend their local Memorial Day Parade; and more than 27% say they’re gonna get wet at the beach — with nearly 20% opting for the lake. 

More than a quarter of those polled will celebrate with fireworks, with 10% catching up on a movie and 7% taking in a sporting event in person.

All that said, inflation is taking a bite out of the fun this year: 65% say their plans are being curtailed by the high rates. Of those people, more than 21% say inflation is going to bite them because they want to drive — and the days of $2 per gallon of gas are long gone. Airfare is also up, partially because of fuel prices, and yes, inflation. More than 30% say inflation is making buying everyday items for their barbecue too expensive.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.