Surf’s Up, Clothes Down: Aussie tourist goes on drunken rampage in Indonesia

An Australian tourist who caused chaos during a drunken naked rampage in Indonesia is now apologizing for his actions.

Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, 23, was on a surfing holiday, when he had “just one shot” of vodka and went on his drunken rampage that included allegedly trying to snatch a motorbike while naked, according to

In an interview, the young man said had suffered sunstroke the day before and felt “almost possessed.”

“It was not a good feeling,” he added. “Normally I am a very nice guy.”

Risby-Jones now faces the prospect of spending up to five years in an Indonesian jail. He also could face charges under Islamic law, as consumption and sale of alcohol is banned in the country’s Aceh province, where the incident took place.