Boy finds coin he lost 10 years ago — up his nose

At least he got his money back.

A 14-year-old boy’s spare change was returned thanks to a good sneeze, reports The Sun. Umair Qamar said he shoved a five-pence coin up his nose when he was 4 and had forgotten all about it until it slipped out a decade later.

Apparently he would go to the doctor frequently about the discomfort in his nose, but no one could find the coin. When recalling the day he got his money back, he said his nose was “hurting more than usual” and was instructed by his parents to try blowing out whatever was bothering him.

So he put cotton balls in his ears and breathed heavily out of the irritated nostril until the money made its unexpected return. “When I got over the shock, I felt pure relief,” he told the outlet.

A local doctor warned parents not to leave their children alone with money — especially small coins. “Young children have a fascination with inserting things in their nostrils, and 5p coins are the perfect size to disappear and be forgotten,” said Claire Hopkins, of Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals in London.