Survey shows more than half of Americans can’t name all four of their grandparents

In our ever-connected world, it seems many of us need to connect with our own family. 

new survey of more than 2,100 Americans  revealed 53% can’t name all four of their grandparents.

The poll, which was commissioned by the genealogy site Ancestry, also found that how much we knew about our forebears varies depending on where we were born: For example, 26% of residents of Philadelphia and 34% in San Francisco couldn’t name all their grandparents, while 66% of those in Boston could. 

Just 47% of those in the poll knew their mom’s and dad’s moms and dads, while only 4% could name all eight of their great-grandparents. 

Considering that, it’s not surprising that 66% of those polled wanted to learn more about their family, and 51% wanted to learn stories about what their family members were like when they were young.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.