Online survey shows smile and eyes top flashy backdrops for first impressions

While Instagram influencers often boost their drip with flashy backdrops, if you’re looking to connect with somebody online, where you take that perfect picture isn’t as important as your smile.

In fact, in a new survey of 2,000 Americans, 76% admitted the first thing they notice in a person’s social media pics is their smile; 69% their eyes — both of these easily trumped what clothes they were wearing or where the picture was snapped.

The non-scientific poll was sponsored by Spark Aligners, a teeth straightening company, so that could partly explain the emphasis on a person’s kisser. However, other surveys confirm a smile can boost your odds when it comes to online dating — even though 76% in this new survey said they don’t smile in photos generally.

The new poll revealed some other interesting findings: For example, 49% draw a first impression from someone’s spelling and grammar on social media, while what they post was almost as important, with 47% citing that as key.

When it comes to pictures, the poll noted that 42% of men preferred framing their photos from the waist up, while 38% of women preferred a close up of their faces. 

Also interesting when it comes to meeting that special someone, be warned: The average Twitter or Instagram profile photo is six years old, according to respondents. 

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.