Survey says a third of Americans say they haven’t had a day to relax alone in more than three months

With the pandemic, school lockdowns, and working from home, the results of a new survey may not be a surprise: a third of Americans say they haven’t had a day to themselves to relax in more than three months. 

A non-scientific survey of 2,000 Americans sponsored by Saje Natural Wellness showed that people really need some “me time” — and what they like to do when they get the chance. 

The survey noted that 54% say they’d ideally like to listen to music on their own, 48% take bubble baths, and 37% like to konk out for a nap at the end of a work day.

Fifty percent of those surveyed say they take advantage of the early morning hours — before anyone else is up — to get their self-care on before a long day. Fifty-five percent said they wear comfy clothing, and 47% play music before starting a long day. 

Not surprisingly, 65% admit that they would like to spend more time on self-care, but feel they simply don’t have enough time in the day to make it a habit. Instead, the average person says they feel “overwhelmingly busy or tired” three days a week.

The poll also showed that 32% of respondents say they’d give up social media for self-care time; 24% would give up their favorite food.

That said, 40% of those say they wished they could listen to more music, 39% said they’d take more baths, and 31% said they’d unwind with a long drive.