Lazy man almost kills someone after throwing sofa out of window

Imagine walking on the street and you barely miss being crushed to death — by a falling sofa.  That’s what happened to one woman in Turkey because a man didn’t want to throw out his old sofa the old-fashioned way.

British publication The Sun reports that Mesut Duran of Istanbul bought a new sofa but was too lazy to take his old one down the stairs.  So, he decided to speed up the removal process and chucked it out his window.

One problem: His neighbor was outside the moment he decided to give his old couch the heave-ho.  Luckily, the piece of furniture missed the woman, but the publication notes she could have been crushed to death had she been standing a few inches to her left.

The entire incident was captured on the building’s security video, which also shows the woman glaring at Duran and pointing at him as she walks away.

When speaking with the media, Duran admitted to his laziness. 

“I bought a new sofa. I looked, and there was no one in front of the building.  I decided it was okay to throw the old sofa out of the window,” he said.  “My neighbor came out of the building just as I threw the sofa down. The sofa almost fell on her. She was scared. I was also shocked when she suddenly came out of the building.”

It appears Duran regrets his bone-headed decision, as he also admitted, “She’s had a lucky escape. She would have died. I was almost a murderer.”

His neighbor has not commented on the incident.