Hot Vax Summer: poll reveals 86% want to get better acquainted with the vaccinated

As the pandemic begins to ease, along with COVID-19 restrictions, singles are ready to mingle, according to a new survey. 

And forget adding a puppy to your profile: having gotten “the jab” is the new hotness. In fact, of those who’ve gotten their COVID-19 vaccine, 70% say they’ve added that info to their profile.  The new poll notes that 86% of respondents say they’re looking for a new partner who also is vaccinated, while 53% say they’re looking forward to getting vaccinated, “to get their dating lives back to normal.”

Forty percent of those polled say dating someone who’s vaccinated would give them more peace of mind — though 62% say they wouldn’t first ask a prospective partner if they’ve gotten the shot, as much as they’d like to know.

All the lockdowns also have users looking to get out and about: three out of five say they’re planning to be more spontaneous in the summer of 2021.

And while users are flocking to the site, they’re not about to get locked down after the lockdowns: 77% say they’re not settling down this summer.