Want your boyfriend to stop seeing a mistress? Fake his funeral

How would you get revenge if you found out that your husband was cheating on you the whole time you were pregnant? The answer was simple for one woman — fake his funeral so that the mistress leaves him alone. 

That woman was TikTok user Thea Loveridge and she shared told the whole story in a post on her page. Thea explained that shortly after finding out about the infidelity, her husband went to jai.  During this time, his mistress was trying to reach out to him. 

“She was messaging him trying to figure out where he was, all confused why he wasn’t talking to her,” she said before adding, “I messaged her and told her that he was dead.”

With the help of her sister, Thea took the lie a bit further and held a fake funeral complete with photos of the service. 

“It’s been three years and she still thinks he’s dead,” she revealed. “She posts little tributes every year on her Facebook page to the love of her life and how she’s so sorry that she couldn’t be there when he died to save him.”

The post has racked up over 1 million views and over 16,000 comments.