Wicked good: Massachusetts ranked as the “snobbiest state” in the union

Perhaps there’s something to the East Cost pejorative sobriquet “Massholes”: a new ranking names Massachusetts America’s snobbiest state. 

The non-scientific findings came from the job site Zippia, which analyzed each state against the following criteria: percent of population with a bachelor’s degree, percent of degree earners with a degree in arts and humanities, number of Ivy League colleges, and gallons of wine consumed yearly. 

On the latter point, Zippia contends, “Sorry wine drinkers, but wine is a bit of a smug beverage, so we were forced to include the percent of people with degrees in the humanities and the arts.”

With that data in mind, here’s the website’s pick of the top 10 snobbiest states: 

1. Massachusetts
2. Vermont
3. Connecticut
4. New York
5. New Hampshire (tie)
5. Rhode Island (tie)
7. California
8. Oregon
9. Maine
10. Virginia

As for the least-snobby state? Take a bow, West Virginia.