Survey finds getting their kids to bed has become a struggle for half of American parents since the pandemic

With millions of kids still out of school and relegated to Zoom classes, not only have screen time limits gone by the wayside, so too have bedtime limits.

According to a survey of 5,000 Americans parents with kids aged 3-18, half say getting their kids to bed has become a struggle since the COVID-19 pandemic began. 

Sixty percent say that bedtime routines have changed since March of 2020, and 42% admit they’ve stopped enforcing bedtime rules since the traditional rush to school stopped. 

The non-scientific poll sponsored by Zarbeeā€™s Naturals also revealed the battle over bedtimes is worse in some states than others: kids in Florida, for example are the most likely to stay up past their bedtimes. Parents in the Sunshine State say their kids stay up late an average of three nights a week, by an average of 33 minutes past the time they should be hitting the hay.

Kids in Washington State were ranked the least likely to give their parents grief about bedtimes, only staying up late an average of once a week.