New survey says 60% of Americans’ New Year’s resolutions will be influenced by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things — including, it seems, our minds when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. 

A new non-scientific poll from the financial website WalletHub notes that 60% of the Americans surveyed say their 2021 resolutions have been influenced by the pandemic. 

Health-related resolutions were the most popular, according to respondents, with 59% logging that as their top priority for next year. Finances were second, with 38% saying their resolutions are related to their bottom lines. Twenty-six percent say they’re vowing to work on their relationships, and 22% say they’ll try to break bad habits, like being late.

More that 97 million Americans say they’re going to make resolutions about their finances for the upcoming year — a sharp increase from the 66 million who vowed to last year.   Of those 97 million, the top resolution for 2021 is to save more money, with a third vowing to do that. However, just 47% say this upcoming year is going to be good for their wallet. 

And with the traditional crowds gathering at Times Square and other places off the table this year, 2021 will definitely start out differently than previous ones.  But 43 million people in the survey say New Years will never be the same again after COVID-19.