Ditch the diets: Survey says 70% of Americans name “learning life skills” as their New Year’s resolution

While losing weight or getting into better shape are mainstays for most people’s New Year’s resolution, this next year will likely be different. 

It seems 2020 has shaken things up in the resolutions department as well, with 71% of Americans in a new survey noting they want to learn life skills in 2021, including getting their finances — and their selves — up to snuff.

According to the non-scientific survey of 2,000 Americans commissioned by the credit card company Affirm, “saving money for the future” topped this year’s resolution list for 62% of the people polled; 50% say they wanted to learn a new life skill.

More than half of those respondents said they want to better budget their money in the coming year, while 49% vowed to pay down their debt. 

Sixty-eight percent of the people polled say they’re ditching the usual resolutions to “focus more on experiences,” including spending time with family (53%) and traveling more (49%).

Combining the two, respondents say they’re planning an average of two road trips in 2021.

Trying to leave 2020 behind, 58% say their resolution will be having a more positive outlook on life, the poll states, and 62% said they’re anticipating sinking their teeth into 2021 after “feeling stagnant” in the year of COVID-19.