Surprised? Survey takers say 2020 was their worst year for sleep ever

Chances are this will come as no surprise, but 2020 has caused a lot of sleepless nights in this country. In fact, a new survey of 2,000 Americans found that 51% of them say this year was their worst year for sleep ever. 

According to the non-scientific poll commissioned by the sleep technology company Hatch, 42% of respondents said couldn’t even remember the last time they got a good night’s sleep.

Thirty-four percent of those polled say consuming too much news was behind their problems sleeping, 22% say being cooped up with their family in quarantine was the cause, and 16% blamed “Zoom call fatigue” — which is now a thing — while 13% blamed a late-night Netflix binge for losing those precious Zs.

Forty-two percent of those polled say the holidays are traditionally their worst time of year for sleep; this year, however, with get-togethers cancelled over COVID-19, 32% predict they’ll probably sleep better for not stressing over hosting people.

Looking forward to 2021 — and let’s face it, who isn’t? — 60% of respondents say they plan to make sleep a top priority for the new year.