Driver busted for driving around with 30-year-old expired plates

Imagine driving around with expired license plates.  Now, imagine those aforementioned plates were 30-years-old.  Crazy, right?

Well, that happened in Toronto. A man’s plates expired back in August 1989 and, instead of renewing them, he just went “nah” and went on his merry way through the decades.

“The VZET officer who stopped this driver sporting this license plate on their vehicle was eight years old when the validation expired,” tweeted the TPS Traffic Services last week, including the hashtag #ComeOnFolks.

In addition, when first pulled over, the driver claimed their plates were a meager eight years old.

In the Twitter thread, another traffic enforcement officer from Kingston, Ontario joked that plates that Toronto’s latest catch, plates that expired in 1989 have nothing on what his precinct snagged — plates that expired in September 1984.

Apparently, it costs $120 to renew your plates in Toronto and the maximum penalty for driving with expired plates is $110… so you do the math on how much those two drivers saved themselves over the year.