Despite COVID-19, four in 10 Americans plan to attend a large holiday gathering this year

Despite rising COVID-19 infection rates in many states, Americans still plan to party. In fact, a new survey from the Ohio State University reveals as many as four in 10 plan to attend a “large scale” gathering this holiday season. 

A national survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by the school determined that 38% planned to attend a get-together with more than the recommended 10-person maximum.  What’s more, 33% say they won’t ask fellow guests to wear a mask around them, and 27% say they won’t observe social distancing rules.

When you’re gathered together around the table, engaged in conversation, sitting less than six feet apart with your masks down, even in a small group — that’s when the spread of this virus can really happen,” says Dr. Iahn Gonsenhauser in a university release.

“We’re going to look back at what happened during this holiday season and ask ourselves, ‘Were we part of the solution or were we part of the problem?'”

That being said, Americans say they’re concerned about the virus. 82% say they’ll ask their guests who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to stay home.

For his part, Gonsenhauser says that the safest thing to do is cancel your holiday party. Failing that, a safer way to gather is to seat your guests from the same family “bubble” together, he recommends.