Plant based? There’s a help line for you to get through turkey day

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, your usual family Thanksgiving dinner can be stressful â€” even before Uncle Bob gets into the Jack Daniels. 

However, Oatly, the plant-based food company, has opened a hotline to help calm your nerves: The Oatly Emotional Support Hotline For Plant-Based Eaters Attending Traditional Meat and Dairy-based Thanksgiving Dinners, to be precise.

You can call “for free emotional support which may or may not include positive affirmations, a motivational locker room speech, a blank audio void to scream into, the soothing sounds of smooth jazz, and more!” Oatly promises. 

Calling 1-866-OAT-LINE (628-5463) gives you various options: One choice gives you some nonconfrontational talking points as to why you choose to eat what your relatives might call rabbit food; another lets you freely vent or “primal scream”; and the “motivational speech” is a rewritten psyche-up from the beloved football movie Rudy, but rewritten with plant-based people in mind, but also to avoid the company “being sued” by Rudy‘s producers. 

On Thanksgiving Day itself, the hotline will be staffed with live operators.