Survey says Utah drivers have the most road rage in the country

According to a new survey, the roadside vistas of Utah come with a hidden danger: road rage. 

Drivers in the Beehive State topped all others in the Union in Forbes Advisor’s Most Confrontational Drivers survey

According to the survey, more than one in five Utahns have witnessed someone causing an accident while acting on road rage, and 23% said they knew of someone there who’d been injured in such a crash. 

Seventy-six percent said they’ve been honked at by an irate driver, almost the same percentage who’ve been tailgated — and nearly 60% have gotten flipped off by other motorists.

Missouri ranked a close second on the list, with 54% saying they’ve been cut off by an angry driver. Eight percent in the state say another driver has shown them the barrel of their gun.

Colorado may have legal weed, but its drivers are anything but chilled out, as the state ranked third on Forbes‘ list. Fourteen percent of drivers there say they’ve been followed by an angry motorist who’s given them a tongue lashing or a proper thrashing. Nearly half of drivers in Colorado say they’ve been insulted or threatened by other motorists, and 52% have witnessed other drivers making obscene gestures in their fits of pique.

Oklahoma ranked fourth on the list, with 43% admitting they’ve been blocked from changing lanes. Oklahomans also tied with Alabama and Delaware as the drivers most likely to be forced off the road by another person. 

Rounding out the top five on the list was New Mexico; The state’s roads are anything but, according to the survey. Fifteen percent of drivers there have been followed by another driver who’ve verbally or physically confronted them. Thirty-two percent of drivers there say they knew of someone who was injured by a confrontational driver. 

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.