Goldendale School District to hold in person meetings

Phase 2 of the Roadmap to Recovery plan allows for in-person business meetings.  This includes school board meetings.  As such, the Goldendale School Board will be starting back in-person.  Meetings will be held in the Goldendale High School Cafeteria located at 525 E. Simcoe Drive. School Board meetings will continue to be broadcast using Zoom.  The links and agendas are located at If our region moves back into Phase 1, school board meetings will transition back to fully remote access.  

Community members who wish to join in-person will be asked to adhere to the following protocols:

  1. Sign in with name, phone number, and email address for the purposes of contact tracing
  2. Attest to not having COVID or having been in close contact with a known positive case within the last 14 days.
  3. Wear a cloth mask that covers nose and mouth
  4. Comply with six (6) foot distancing

The Goldendale School District will ensure that hand sanitizer is available and appropriate cleaning takes place before and after meetings.