Survey says 2/3rds of Americans would take a 50% pay cut to stay in shape forever

As hard as it is for so many of us to lose weight and keep it off, wouldn’t it be great if we could just write a check to guarantee we’d stay in shape?

A non-scientific survey of 1,000 Americans commissioned by MYX Fitness revealed that two-thirds of respondents would be willing to take a 50% pay cut if it meant they could be in shape for the rest of their lives.

The poll also sheds some light on why we often find it hard to shed that weight.  Sixty-five percent of respondents say they kicked off the year planning to get into better shape, but of those who normally don’t exercise, 30% of them admit they’ll likely not keep up with their commitment. 

In fact, the average respondent says they’ve attempted to start a fitness regimen in the past as many as six times before quitting. Of those, a whopping 58% in the MYX poll say they simply lost motivation to keep it up, while 34% said they didn’t have time to keep going with it.

The poll also notes that the average non-exerciser “set themselves up for failure” from the drop, believing they have to work out 4.5 hours per week.  The website’s experts say a quarter of that is actually enough to keep you healthy. 

Ironically, those who took part in the poll who don’t get physical admitted they spend a full hour each week just thinking about exercising — time they could obviously use to actually do so.