Mouse hits food jackpot, eats too much and gets stuck

Rodents tend to have a habit of getting into places that they aren’t necessarily supposed to be in search of food. Well, one has just hit the jackpot by finding a bird feeder — until it got so big that it couldn’t escape.

This rodent in particular was a dormouse and was located on England’s Isle of Wright, where the animal thrives, according to the BBC. In a picture shared to social media, the nocturnal animal looked squished inside of the cylinder feeder. And, while the homeowner may have been worried about setting the animal free, they weren’t concerned about it surviving the upcoming winter months. 

“He was plumping up nicely for hibernation,” the homeowner said. “Safe to say this fatty will survive hibernation just fine.”

A local organization did eventually set the rodent free into the wild. And, for anyone worried about the birds, who were the target audience for the feeder to begin with, have no fear. The homeowner said that the dormouse’s presence didn’t seem to prevent them from grabbing a bite to eat from what was left.