United Airlines? More like Urine-ited Airlines

Passengers on a recent United flight from San Francisco to the Philippines were united in disgust when one passenger allegedly peed on another.

According to SF GateJerome Gutierrez was asleep in business class when he awoke to the horrifying sight — and what we can only imagine is an awful smell — of another man standing over him and relieving himself on Jerome.

Gutierrez’s stepdaughter, Nicole Cornell, tells SF Gate that flight attendants urged him “not to approach the man in fear that there would be a confrontation, and he would become violent,” and gave him pajamas to wear instead of his now-soiled clothing.

“They put the needs of the airline before my stepdad’s health,” Cornell says. “I am so disgusted and in shock with how United Airlines handled this! That is a biohazard, and the plane should’ve turned around to address this issue.”

Cornell adds that the alleged airplane urinator apologized and “begged them not to press charges.”

For their part, United confirmed that a “passenger disturbance” occurred on the flight, adding that the offending passenger has been banned.