Stressed out mom goes viral for asking teacher to opt son out of homework

A mother who sent an email to her son’s kindergarten teacher requesting she opt him out of homework recently posted a public service announcement on TikTok for other parents whose kids are also feeling the “stress” of daily homework assignments.

“I sent my son’s kindergarten teacher a cutesy little email saying, ‘I’m sorry. Based on the stress, mental, physical anxiety it’s causing my kid, we are done,” user @cayleyxox says in the video.

The video has received over 250,000 views, with many of the commenters sympathizing with Cayley, including one teacher who urged, “Hang in there, Mama. He’ll love it once he starts to make friends.”

“As for homework, I agree with you. I never sent home homework unless parents specifically asked me, and I always let them know it was optional,” she continued. “I did, however, tell parents to read a book to their child every day, so that was their only ‘homework.’”

Incidentally, the teacher has since reduced the homework and included more interactive assignments.