Survey shows 1 in 3 people think they have an idea that will make them rich

If you watch ABC’s hit Shark Tank, you know there have been everyday Americans who have come up with million-dollar ideas. 

However, for every Scrub Daddy, there’s an Ionic Ear — that was a season 1 pitch for a surgically implanted Bluetooth device that unsurprisingly didn’t get the Sharks’ backing.

That said, a new survey shows one in three Americans think they’re sitting on a goldmine: Whether it be an idea for a gadget the world needs, that great American novel or a hot stock tip, the poll of 2,000 people that was conducted by Talker Research shows many Americans are pretty sure they’re going to strike it rich.


Twenty-six percent say they have a product that’s going to be the next big thing; 40% say their gold lies in a business or service they can start; and 27% are betting on a stock tip.

The survey showed 39% of men, compared to 26% of women, felt confident their big idea will bring them big bucks someday.

And even if you’re not a writer or an inventor, there’s still hope: 19% are confident they’ll defy the infinitesimal odds and hit it big playing the lottery. 

That said, just 10% of those polled consider themselves “very lucky” with money.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.