Texas mom faces jail over late library books

A Grimes Count, Texas, woman is looking at possible jail time over library books the county claims she never returned.

Kaylee Morgan checked out two books from the Navasota Public Library a little over a year ago, while she was pregnant with one of her five children.

Morgan says that she was recently attempting to renew her driver’s license, but was told she couldn’t because there was a warrant out for her arrest.

“I just laughed. Like I just laughed at her like, no that’s not a thing. And sure enough, I have a warrant out for my arrest,” Kaylee tells KBTX-TV. “So I called the court and they said it’s over theft of government property. And I’m just reeling like what in the world is happening? This can’t be true. And it was over a library book that I had turned in late.”

Court documents obtained by the outlet confirm the books were eventually returned, but not before the courts were involved. Morgan claims the library notices were sent to an old address, so she didn’t receive them.

Morgan’s story didn’t faze the judge assigned to the case, who warned her that if she’s pulled over in Grimes County she’ll be arrested, whether any of her five kids are in the vehicle or not.

Kaylee started a GoFundMe, which raised enough money for her to pay the fines, but set a new goal of $3,000 to help with the cost of a lawyer willing to take her case.

We’re happy to report Kaylee has reached her new goal and promises to donate any additional funds to the Smithville Public Library, where she now borrows her books.