“Glass half-full” type of person? Survey says fill it, literally

Optimists are generally described as “glass half-full” types, but a new survey linking hydration to happiness suggests you may want to replace that metaphoric glass with a real one — and fill it. 

The survey of 2,000 Americans that was commissioned by the company True Lemon showed that 46% of those folks who quaffed the most — 10 or more glasses a day — said they were “very happy.” 

Just 22% of those who drank less than a glass a day (really?) could say that. 

Further, 80% of those super-hydrated people said it was important to find “happiness in the little things.” Just 48% who drank less than a glass a day could say the same. 

That said, on average, people found those little victories eight times a day — or 60 times per week. Thirty-six percent say to keep themselves feeling good, they stay hydrated; 31% say they make sure they’ve eaten enough so they don’t get hangry, and 31% take walks to get — and stay — smiling. 

When they’re dehydrated, 35% reported low energy, 29% reported headaches, and 23% suffered muscle cramps.

No wonder they’re in such a bad mood.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.