Hold your breath: Survey shows the average American forgets to brush five times a week

survey sponsored by Listerine reveals nasty information about some Americans: A poll of 2,000 American adults shows the average person forgets to brush their teeth five times a week. 

This is compounded by another gross finding: They skip flossing and mouthwash four times a week. 

That said, 92% say they know oral care is important to their health, with 51% saying they’d have an intervention for a friend or loved one who had bad breath and/or bad oral hygiene.

Fourteen percent would even lend them their toothbrush to rectify it. 

Thankfully for the rest of us, however, 81% of those polled say visiting the dentist is important, and 75% say they brush multiple times a day; 60% use mouthwash on the regular. 

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.