Majority of Americans worry about bugs intruding on their holiday

While many people will host guests over the holidays, there are some guests nobody wants turning up in their house — and we are not talking mothers-in-law. 

Folks have a real concern about bugs making a surprise appearance over the holidays, according to a survey of 2,000 adults, Talker reports. In fact, 78% of people say finding a bug in their home while hosting is a major concern. 

Overall, 72% of people worry about finding bugs when taking their holiday decorations out of storage, with 49% fearing finding a spider, followed by fruit flies (46%), ants (45%) and cockroaches (44%).

And that fear extends to more than just those old decorations, with 63% worrying about a bug-filled wreath, 60% fearing bugs in their holiday lights and 52% worrying about bugs creeping in their tree.

One way some folks are trying to keep those bugs out is by decorating with fake plants rather than live ones, with 65% of Americans preferring the fakes, compared to 59% who go real.

But despite 91% of people worrying that bugs may be hiding in their real decorations, 61% say that they won’t go fake because real decorations feel more “holiday” like, while 56% think they smell better and 52% say real is a family tradition.