Trucker and grandmother of 33 delivers load before receiving her college degree

If you ever feel like you’re too old, too busy with work or too crushed with family obligations to complete your college degree, there’s a grandmother from Las Vegas who’d like a word with you.

WBAY-TV reports on November 18, 63-year old Robyn Roberts graduated from Southern New Hampshire University. The mother of eight, grandmother of 33 and great-grandmother of 12 earned her degree online, studying and doing homework in the cab of her semi truck while making deliveries in 48 states. No big deal.

Roberts, who runs a trucking business with her husband, originally decided to get her degree after her grandson challenged her to do so, but now, she plans to continue her education and become a lawyer.

Ahead of her graduation, Roberts dropped off a load in New York State before heading to New Hampshire for the ceremony. She then got back on the road to make a delivery in Arkansas before driving home to Las Vegas. When she arrives, she’ll make Thanksgiving dinner … for 38 people.

So, what’s your excuse?