Revenge of the nerds: Survey shows 72% of Americans self-identify as geeks, nerds or dorks

We’ve come a long way from stuffing that random Trekker in a locker. According to a new survey, there are now more nerds in this country than you may think. 

Or maybe you know that already, because you likely count yourself among them: The poll of 2,000 people from revealed 72% of Americans identify themselves as “nerds, geeks, or dorks.”

Using some “10,000 raw data points” — MMM data points — the website dove deep into geek culture and even ranked the nerdiest city in the U.S.

For one thing, the number one most-popular fandom in the country is Harry Potter, according to the survey.

And while one might assume the tech industry had the most self-identifying nerds, it’s actually law and legal, according to the poll, with 85% of the people in that line of work identifying as such.

Cosplay was considered the number one nerdiest activity, the survey revealed, with almost 70% of respondents classifying it as a nerdy hobby — no shock there. 

The survey even parsed what we’re geeking out about in any given state, broken down by “Internet geeks” — most common in states including Texas and Florida; “tech geeks,” whose habitats include California, New York and Colorado; and “movie geeks,” common in Georgia, Massachusetts and Oklahoma. 

There are also the “book geeks,” found from Alaska to Nebraska.

According to the poll, the nerdiest city is Austin, Texas, and the nerdiest state is Rhode Island; by contrast, in Maine, 75% of the population said they weren’t nerds.

Yeah, you’re so cool, Maine.

To the former point, according to the poll, Columbus, Ohio, had the second-highest concentration of geeks, nerds and dorks, followed by Arlington, Virginia; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Burlington, Vermont.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.