A Barbie accessory to die for

A funeral home in El Salvador is cashing in on Barbie mania by offering pink coffins with Barbie linings, according to the Associated Press.

The pink metal coffins are on sale at the Alpha and Omega Funeral Home in the city of Ahuachapán, near the border with Guatemala.

The funeral home already offered the option of pink coffins before the the Barbie movie premiered in July, but the craze that’s sweeping Latin America convinced him to decorate the cloth linings of the coffins with pictures of the doll. The coffins are also decorated with little white stars.

“I said, ‘We have to jump on this trend,’” says owner Isaac Villegas, adding, “it has been a success.”

Latin America has reportedly gone Barbie crazy with pink-colored tacos and pastries, commercial planes bearing the Barbie logo, political ads, and even Barbie-themed protests.