Top of the World Fire Update for October 17, 2024

HOOD RIVER, Ore. (October 17, 2024) — The Top of the World Fire is located on USDA National Forest Service land west of Catherine Creek recreation area in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area between Bingen and Lyle, Washington.

Yesterday, firefighters were able to take advantage of cooler weather and light precipitation to further reinforce containment lines. The size of the fire increased to 171 acres, but growth was within constructed containment lines.

Today, firefighters have continued full suppression efforts and work to mop-up the fire with water. Crews have been able to increase containment of the fire to 70% in the last two days. The fire area received precipitation this morning helping keep fire activity to a minimum.

The public is asked to avoid the area surrounding the popular Catherine Creek trail system as the trailhead is serving as the command post for the fire and firefighters are actively working in the area. Smoke will remain visible from Washington State Route 14 and Interstate 84.

There have been many questions around why the prescribed burn was allowed to happen given the conditions (wind, temps, etc.). Prescribed burning is highly dependent on weather conditions, which must be within a narrow criteria window to use prescribed fire. Weather and fuel conditions such as particular wind speeds and directions, temperatures, relative humidity, and moisture levels of understory vegetation are all a part of the planned prescription for a prescribed burn and forecasted weather is relied on prior to implementing a prescribed burn operation. The Top of the World Prescribed Fire Project was continuously monitored to ensure the burning met prescribed conditions. On the afternoon of October 14 at approximately 4:00 P.M., the prescribed burn area experienced strong, gusty and erratic winds which increased fire activity resulting in numerous spot fires outside the burn unit. All declared escaped prescribed fires undergo a formal review. The formal review for the Top of the World prescribed fire will be initiated in the coming weeks.