Bear-ly missed him: Sneaky bear comes within a foot of boy eating popcorn in backyard

Here’s a good reason to only eat popcorn at the movies. 

Video shared by Rachel and Rob Schmela shows their son Evan enjoying some kettle corn in the backyard of a home in Aspen as a black bear sneaks up behind him, looking to snag some of the crunchy treat. The bear is seen sniffing around the area and heading right toward Evan, who is sitting by a fire pit, getting within a foot of the boy.

Evan had no idea he had a backyard visitor, but luckily his family saw the bear and scared him off before he got any closer, leaving Evan uninjured.

“I was like, frozen for a couple of seconds, I didn’t know what to do,” Rachel told KDVR-TV. “Luckily, Rob and his brother kind of jumped into action sooner than I did and they knew just to make some loud noise and that would scare the bear.”