Competing eateries engage in a battle of the billboards

It all started with two North Carolina eateries engaging in a friendly war of words via their restaurant billboards and has since spread to other restaurants in the area.

When Ioanni’s Grill & Bar left the message “Happy birthday Jeff” on its sign for nearly a month, Dank Burrito changed its sign to read, “Ioanni’s quit being lazy, change your sign,” according to WRAL-TV.

Ioanni’s responded, “Dank, we are not lazy, just busier than you.”

Pretty soon, another area restaurant, Prime Bistro, revised its sign to read, “Boys, do we need to have a meat-ing?”

Then it was EJW Outdoors’ turn, posting, “Guys, do we need to taco bout it?”

Since then, over 70 businesses have gotten in on the fun, Dank Burrito owner Clarke Merrell tells the outlet.

So in response to the question, “Where’s the beef?” the answer is North Carolina.