Revenue Forecast Warns of Continued Economic Uncertainty

Senate Republicans Call for Fiscal Restraint

SALEM, Ore. – The latest revenue forecast reveals that Oregon’s economic situation
remains precarious, with stagnant growth, persistent inflation, and rising costs posing
ongoing challenges for the state. Despite modest revenue increases, the forecast
underscores the need for cautious budgeting and prudent spending as the state faces
significant economic uncertainty.

“This forecast is another clear warning that we must exercise fiscal restraint,” said Senate
Republican Leader Daniel Bonham (R-The Dalles). “Oregon families are already
feeling the squeeze from high costs, and it’s imperative that we don’t add to their burden
by overspending.”

The forecast, while showing slight improvements in revenue projections, highlights the
continued pressure from inflation and the impact of rising costs on state finances. Senate
Republicans caution against relying on these modest gains to justify increased spending,
emphasizing the importance of prioritizing essential services, and addressing the longterm financial health of the state.

“Now is not the time to get complacent,” added Senator Lynn Findley (R-Vale), who sits
on the Senate Committee on Finance and Revenue. “We need to focus on sustainable
budgeting practices that protect Oregonians from the uncertainty of the future. Our priority
should be ensuring that we have the resources to support critical needs without
overburdening taxpayers.”

Senate Republicans also reiterated their call for a comprehensive review of state
spending to identify areas where efficiencies can be found. With the state facing ongoing
challenges, they argue that now is the time to reassess priorities and make tough
decisions to ensure Oregon’s economic stability.

“Every dollar spent must be scrutinized to ensure it’s serving the best interests of
Oregonians,” Bonham added. “We need to make smart choices now to avoid more
difficult decisions down the road.”